8 min read
The Tactical Evolution of Jim "The Kraken" Erwin
Jim "The Kraken" Erwin is not your typical firearms instructor. With a storied background as a Delta Force operator, Erwin’s journey from military elite to firearms instructor and owner of the Shooting Performance Institute is as compelling as it is instructive. Click here to check out the main takeaways from this episode.
Published on
September 12, 2024

Growing Up in the Sierras

Raised in a small mountain town near Yosemite, Jim's childhood was shaped by the rugged outdoors and a competitive spirit. He was exposed to both the hunting culture and the environmentalist mindset. He excelled in various sports and developed a deep connection to nature. However, his interest in firearms began at a young age, despite his parents' hippie lifestyle.

A Military Career

Driven by the stories of Vietnam Rangers and the exploits of Marine sniper Carlos Hathcock, Jim joined the Army at a young age. He quickly rose through the ranks, serving as a Ranger and eventually earning a coveted spot in Delta Force at only 25 (the youngest in his team). His experiences in Bosnia and other combat zones provided him with invaluable hands-on experience in high-threat environments.

The Birth of the Shooting Performance Institute

After leaving the military and working in high-threat protection, Jim found himself regularly practicing and training with a few close friends. "They kept telling me, ‘You're pretty good at this stuff, you should start teaching,’" he recalls. But he was reluctant. "I wasn’t that guy. I wasn’t the guys that taught me," he explains, feeling unworthy of the title of instructor compared to his mentors.

Despite his hesitation, he slowly began teaching part-time around 2014. He initially saw it as a side gig, but over time, he started to realize that he had a natural talent for instruction. By 2017, the idea of making it a full-time business took hold, and the Shooting Performance Institute was born. "I actually am pretty good at this," Erwin admits with a smile.

But the offerings don’t stop at training. He also provides custom firearms builds, scopes, and even a selection of knives, including those from the highly-regarded Microtech brand and his custom Kraken blade.

Even as the institute began to grow, he continued working in executive protection, providing security for high-value clients, including rock and pop bands. "It was basically carrying a gun in one job and teaching people how to shoot guns in the other," he says, summarizing his dual roles over the past 30 years.

From the Battlefield to the “Shooting” Field

Transitioning from the high-stakes environment of Delta Force operations to the civilian world of firearms instruction wasn't just a career change for Jim Erwin; it was a complete shift in mindset and presented its own set of challenges. "I'm still struggling with the business side," he admits.

Erwin describes his early days of teaching as a challenge, not because of the material, but because of the approach. "So I can just burn it down, but it doesn't make me a better instructor," he says.

It wasn’t about demonstrating his skills anymore—it was about transferring knowledge effectively, a process that required patience, humility, and, most importantly, an understanding of each student.

Erwin's success as an instructor lies in his ability to adapt his teaching style to the unique needs of each student. "Every individual is different in how they learn," he notes. Whether a student learns best through visual aids, tactile experience, or verbal instruction, he has honed the ability to create that "light bulb moment" for everyone. "It’s about finding that one thing that makes everything click," he says, a skill that took years to refine.

But the foundation of his teaching philosophy is simple: curb the ego. Jim emphasizes the importance of humility, humor, and making the learning process enjoyable. “Nobody wants to pay someone to be a 'jerk',” he says, reflecting on the balance he strikes between being approachable and maintaining the authority his background naturally commands.

For him, the ultimate measure of success as an instructor is whether his students feel comfortable enough to ask questions. "Knowledge is everything," he insists. And while the shots on target validate what’s been taught, it’s the understanding behind those shots that matters most. "If you leave my class with unanswered questions because you were too intimidated to ask, then I’ve failed as an instructor."

Staying Relevant: The Continuous Evolution of Skills

In an industry where technological advancements can change the game overnight, Jim knows the importance of staying current. Over the past decade, for example, the introduction of red dot sights on pistols has dramatically altered training paradigms. 

“If you’re not current, you’re missing the boat,” he states. Jim constantly updates his skills, attending classes to ensure he’s teaching the most up-to-date techniques. This commitment to continuous learning ensures that his students are receiving training that is not only grounded in extensive experience but also relevant to modern tactical challenges.

Booking a Session with Jim Erwin

His dedication to staying relevant, his ability to tailor instruction to individual needs, and his commitment to maintaining a fun, engaging learning environment set him apart in the world of firearms training.

If you’re interested in training with Jim Erwin, whether it’s for pistol, carbine, or long-range shooting, visit the Shooting Performance Institute website. Courses are listed under the training tab, and for private sessions or custom firearm builds, you can contact the institute directly to find a time that works best for you.

Stay connected with Jim on Instagram at @JimTheKraken1 for updates, insights, and a glimpse into the life of this seasoned professional.
And lastly, don’t forget to check out the full episode on our YouTube channel. You'll get exclusive insights that go beyond what we've shared here – perfect for anyone interested in entrepreneurship, tactical training, or just a great story.

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